Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Claridge House Cooperative FCC App

Claridge House Cooperative, located in DC, has an application pending before the FCC for analog/DMR simplex on 462.0625, 468.8375, 467.3000, 469.9375, and 468.4875.

Digital Realty Trust FCC App

Digital Realty Trust, located in Ashburn, has an application pending before the FCC for DMR repeaters on 451.3250 and 451.8250.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

AVA Van Ness FCC App

AVA Van Ness, an apartment building in DC, has an application pending before the FCC for analog/DMR simplex on 464.9875, 468.7625, and 463.7625.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Union Station Switched Frequencies?

During the recent events in Washington, Union Station's UHF frequencies were not heard. The license remains valid; it's unknown what the situation is.

ICF International FCC App

ICF International, a consulting firm located in Rockville, has an application pending before the FCC for analog/DMR simplex on 456.2875, 456.3125, 456.7625, 457.0875, and 457.6625.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

More Inauguration Finds

Here's the updated list:

JNCR talkgroups:
145 "Ranger base" (active 1/19)
357 Victor units; "vehicles diverted" (active 1/19)
358 Echo units; "trolleys blocking" "mobile command" (active 1/19)
359 Golf units (active 1/19)
360 Romeo units (active 1/19)
361 "mobile command" "CNN van with PIC pool" (active 1/19)
404 "motorcycles passing reviewing stand" "cordon"
410 Guardian units
412 "EOC Capitol Hill" "command post"
413 PA units
419 Tripoli units; "standby for target" (active 1/19)
436 Guy units
437 "Eagle Base"
441 "enroute to reviewing stand"
443 "counting buses"
447 "route 6" "Army has passed"
450 "practice movement of march"
451 "pickup" "White House to Ft. Myer" "bus leaving"
456 "staging area" "route control" "cordon" (active 1/15 and 1/19)
485 "Bus 1"
2147 (active 1/19)
22422 Papa units; medical

DC Trunked System talkgroups:
716 (encrypted) (active 1/19)
717 (encrypted) (active 1/19)
726 (encrypted) (active 1/19)
2183 "Thunder X-ray this is bus 6" "checkpoint" (active 1/19)
2343 AMR/Medical ops at concert
3748 (active 1/19)

STARS talkgroups:
6150 (active 1/19)
6747 "Express ops" (active 1/19)

Arlington Trunked System talkgroups:
235 "Myer" "mobile command" (active 1/19)

166.4625 [167.9] Digital simulcast?
166.7250 [127.3] Park Police Ch. 1
409.5500 [100.0]


Other BearCom Capacity Plus frequencies:
451.0625 CC15 9-10 (groups from concert system)
451.1625 CC0 11-12
451.6125 CC15
451.6375 CC9 13-14
451.6875 CC0 (groups from Capitol area system)
452.0125 CC9 (groups from Capitol area system)
452.7625 CC10 15-16 (groups from concert system)


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Initial Inauguration Finds

Here's what was found on Sunday, during the rehearsal:

JNCR talkgroups:
404 "motorcycles passing reviewing stand" "cordon"
410 Guardian units
412 "EOC Capitol Hill" "command post"
413 PA units
436 Guy units
437 "Eagle Base"
441 "enroute to reviewing stand"
443 "counting buses"
447 "route 6" "Army has passed"
450 "practice movement of march"
451 "pickup" "White House to Ft. Myer" "bus leaving"
456 "staging area" "route control" "cordon"
485 "Bus 1"
22422 Papa units; medical

DC Trunked System talkgroups:
2099 "forward ops to ops"


Other BearCom Capacity Plus frequencies:
451.0375 CC11 1-2
451.0625 CC15 9-10
451.1375 CC12 3-4
451.1625 CC0 11-12
451.2625 CC13 5-6
451.3625 CC14 7-8
451.6125 CC15
451.6375 CC9 13-14
451.6875 CC0
452.0125 CC9
452.7625 CC10 15-16

The BearCom system is a Capacity Plus Multi-Site system, but only one of the sites appeared to be in use for voice traffic. The other frequencies found are either additional frequencies for the site that was active or part of one or more other sites that will be activated later.

VSP Inauguration FCC App

The Virginia State Police has an application pending before the FCC for numerous 700 MHz and 164 MHz frequencies for use in DC for the inauguration. These frequencies will be used in a Digital Vehicular Repeater System (DVRS) configuration.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Weekend Events

  • The Caps play Friday at 7:00 and Sunday at 12:30 at Verizon Center.
  • Georgetown plays Saturday at noon at Verizon Center.
  • The Wizards play Saturday at 8:00 at Verizon Center.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Article About BearCom Inauguration System

This article from RadioResource discusses the temporary trunked system that BearCom is deploying for the inauguration. The article confirms that the system will use MOTOTRBO Linked Capacity Plus technology, and that the network will link to an existing Connect Plus system for wide-area users, such as transport services.

New DSD+ "Fast Lane" Released

DSD+ "Fast Lane" 2.32 was released today. (Fast Lane releases are like betas; the current "public release" of DSD+ is 1.101 and was released on Christmas Day 2015.) This beta doesn't really introduce new features, but fixes some critical bugs.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Christ Church FCC App

Christ Church, located in Alexandria, has an application pending before the FCC for a DMR/analog repeater on 464.0875.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

VSP Requests Frequency for Inauguration

The Virginia State Police has requested a frequency for use in DC for the inauguration. 155.1075 will be used in a mobiles-only configuration with P25 Phase I voice.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Weekend Events

  • The Wizards play Friday at 7 at Verizon Center.
  • Georgetown plays Saturday at noon at Verizon Center.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Blanchard Inauguration FCC App

Blanchard Communications has an application pending before the FCC for numerous UHF simplex frequencies. These frequencies will be used by multiple customers of Blanchard to coordinate inaugural events.

The application that BearCom submitted for a DMR trunked system will probably be used by the overall inaugural coordinators.