Tuesday, January 6, 2015

NHL Winter Classic Finds

Here's what I found at the NHL Winter Classic on January 1:

451.9000 [141.3] in press box; tickets never went on sale because of way allotted to teams; no date on them; podium setup; escorting Mr. Daley for postgame ceremonies
451.9750 [203.5] NBC operator; props; cameras; tv timeout
452.0000 [210.7] runner; meet at Caps player exit
452.0250 [110.9] arrows in; get sealed; scrape after warmup; hard whistle at ten minutes
452.0500 [  82.5]
452.0750 [  77.0] Diamond Club still need logos?; still on field with ladder?; could use stanchions
452.1250 [  88.5] in position waiting for curtain; 32 GB P2 card
452.1750 [156.7] single line; teams coming out; field by stage; food; color guard; where allowed to stand
452.2000 [167.9] keep mouse still; put in chutes; bootleg; selling lanyards; people near wiener mobile
452.2250 [203.5] fan center from here; show me Blackhawks; help with cable; power down winches

451.3625 [ d413] coach talking to Gary Bettman; players complaining; NBC; available TA in holding
456.5125 [ d315] buses; Blackhawks family bus
456.8000 [ d612] transmitter; camera; mic
461.1375 [ d152] CSC Event Staff
461.2375 [  67.0] pickpocket
461.6000 [ d364] time on face off; penalty; shoot action, shoot coach
463.6625 [ d431] Guest Services Carts?
463.8125 [ d125]
464.5000 [ d074] machine's down; credit card
464.5000 [  94.8] don't see Jim Cantore; mic
464.5000 [100.0] box; TV
464.5500 [114.8] family bus; sandbags at NHL auction area (R)
464.5500 [167.9] scoreboard gets done; roof
464.6250 [146.2] program it; code; video replay; feed went away; rosters (R)
464.6500 [186.2] Ch. 14 (R)
464.7250 [206.5] compound; break crew; zambonies coming; power down (R)
464.7500 [233.6] CSC Event Staff (R)
467.7625 [ d263] Fairgrounds Security
469.5000 [ d274] back in tent; bench mic is up
469.5000 [107.2] shady jumper
469.5500 [ d612] signal
469.5500 [ d732] stage

The first group of frequencies was licensed by the NHL for the event. The Nationals Park DMR frequencies were also heavily used.

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